How anyone can determine whether you would be a great fit for there place of business by the process that is used now is beyond me.
- trying to navigate those endless, convoluted sites. I truly believe that is one of the major screening methods of the modern process. People just give up before they ever get to the application, or during the process
- enduring the sign up process
- dealing with the glitches as you go forward and back trying to enter all of the information so that it presents a fair representation of who you are and what you can offer
- trying not to get timed out, and loosing all of the work you have just done
- being given a box into which you can enter any other comments that you would like to make about yourself and yet being so limited on the number of characters that you can type that you can barely begin a sentence before running out of space
- worst of all, needing to log off and requesting your information be saved......instead, it submits your partially completed application and sends it on to some Human Resource person, or worse another computer system designed to screen applicants by scanning the application, looking for key words and omissions, and then rejects you for not having enough sense to complete the process before submitting your application.
Anyway wish me luck in this process.
Good luck Dad! You are such an amazing guy I agree to meet you is to love you!!! Keep us posted on what happens in the job search.